142 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
4. Then go to Global Settings > Global Assignments > Assign AutoIngest and set the user
you just defined as the Current AutoIngest User.
AutoIngestXML Modes
There are three modes of operation as shown in Table 15. The mode you use depends on
where the source files are located.
Table 15. AutoIngest Modes
† Not available for VOD-D (Darwin) servers. Use Direct mode only to AutoIngest to
VOD-D servers.
Using the XML Template
There are three named templates in the VBrick\MCS\utils folder for Direct, Absolute, and
Remote FTP files. Use the appropriate template to manually create an .xml file for each video
file. Use Notepad, TextPad, or a similar tool and then FTP this file (and the video in Direct
mode) to the
AutoIngestXML folder on the Portal Server. (In Direct mode, you must FTP the
video file first or the ingestion will fail.) The filename can be any alphanumeric string with an
.xml extension. The following code shows a sample .xml file that uses the Direct mode
template. The template for each mode is the same except for the SourceFileName and
SourceFileType tags. Table 16 explains the required format for these tags.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AutoIngestCmd version="1.0">
<MCSTitle>/VODFolder/Spiderman Returns</MCSTitle>
<Description>My ingested Video</Description>
<FileLink filename="myfile.ppt" url="http://www.google.com/" />
<FileLink filename="myother.ppt" url="http://www.google.com/" />
<Field name="CustomTextField1" value="Value1" />
<Field name="CustomTextField2" value="Value2" />
<Field name="CustomDropField1" value="one" />
Mode Description
Direct The target source video file is FTPed to the AutoIngestXML folder.
The video file and the .xml file must both be FTPed to this folder. In
Direct mode, you must FTP the video file first or the ingestion will
Absolute WM files only. The target source video file resides in a folder on the
Portal Server. Only the .xml file is FTPed to the
AutoIngestXML folder.
This is useful for mass storage devices because you do not have to
copy the files to the
AutoIngestXML folder on the Portal Server.
Remote FTP † MPEG Files only. The target source video file resides on a remote
FTP server. Only the .xml file is FTPed to the
AutoIngestXML folder.