Routine maintenance
5-14 DocuTech 61xx Operator Guide
To prevent dry ink spills, remove the cartridge only when directed
to do so by a message on the screen.
The following steps must be performed to replace the dry ink
Do not use warm or hot water, or general cleaning solvents to
remove dry ink from your skin or clothing. The heat or solvent
will set the dry ink and make it difficult to remove.
If any dry ink should get on your clothes, brushing with a dry
paper towel or a stiff-bristled brush may remove the ink. If not,
launder your clothes with detergent and cold water. Tell a
commercial dry cleaner that the spot is dry ink or "toner" so that
they will not use a solvent that will set the dry ink stain.
1. Open the processor doors and locate the dry ink cartridge at
the left side of the processor.
2. Place a drop cloth on the floor under the dry ink cartridge
3. Remove the empty cartridge, as shown in figure 5-11.
a. Pull the empty dry ink cartridge out until it stops.
b. Move the green handle to the unlatched position.
c. Remove the empty cartridge and discard it.