Chapter 9 VLAN
XGS-4526/4528F/4728F User’s Guide
9.10 Create an IP-based VLAN Example
This example shows you how to create an IP VLAN which includes ports 1, 4 and
8. Follow these steps using the screen below:
1 Activate this protocol based VLAN.
2 Type the port number you want to include in this protocol based VLAN. Type 1.
3 Give this protocol-based VLAN a descriptive name. Type IP-VLAN.
4 Select the protocol. Leave the default value IP.
5 Type the VLAN ID of an existing VLAN. In our example we already created a static
VLAN with an ID of 5. Type 5.
6 Leave the priority set to 0 and click Add.
Figure 47 Protocol Based VLAN Configuration Example
To add more ports to this protocol based VLAN.
1 Click the index number of the protocol based VLAN entry. Click 1
2 Change the value in the Port field to the next port you want to add.
3 Click Add.