6-26 LAN Interface Supplement
Controlling the Analyzer via the LAN
IBASIC Communication across the LAN
450 !
460 Loop: !
470 DISP "Taking sweep..."
480 Count=Count+1
490 ! Take sweep, and wait for it to finish.
500 OUTPUT @Na;"INIT1;*OPC?"
510 ENTER @Na;Opc
520 ! Autoscale trace to give feedback.
540 ! Perform a search for the -3 dB bandwidth of the filter
550 ! This function uses several markers to find 4 key values.
570 ! Read the four values: the bandwidth, center
580 ! frequency, Q and the insertion loss.
590 ENTER @Na;Bwid,Center_f,Q,Loss
600 !
610 ! Signal computer that we are done,
620 ! so that it can come grab the meas results
630 !
640 ! Create a string that looks like this:
650 ! Ready!,"US36100007",6.159E+7,1.7248E+8,-1.6088<LF>
660 ! Could send any string. Could also save meas results to
670 ! a file, and send filename, and computer could FTP the file.
680 !
690 Msg$="'Ready!,"&Snum$&","
700 Msg$=Msg$&val$(Bwid)&","&val$(Center_f)&","&val$(Loss)
710 Msg$=Msg$&chr$(10)&"'"
720 !
730 ! Send the message to the computer, via LAN
740 !
750 Cmd$="DIAG:COMM:LAN:SEND '',8003,"&Msg$
760 OUTPUT @Na;Cmd$
770 DISP "Done with loop ";Count;" Continuing..."
780 !
790 ! Pause, and wait for computer to grab data.