Chapter 4: Network Access Software 43
Right-click on the unit. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The
Properties dialog box appears.
c. Enable the Launch built-in application checkbox.
3. Click OK to save the settings.
To configure third party Telnet access to a server through the CPS:
1. To configure a third party Telnet application as the global default access method:
a. Select Tools - Options from the Network Access Software menu.
b. Click the Telnet tab.
c. Enable the Launch user-specified application checkbox. Enter the directory path, name
and any command line arguments. For commands that do not provide a GUI, enable the
Launch in command window checkbox.
d. Click OK to save the changes.
2. If the global default is set for a method other than that user-specified Telnet application, and
you wish to override it for this server:
a. Select a unit from the Unit list.
b. Select View - Properties from the Network Access Software menu.
— or —
Click the Properties task button.
— or —
Right-click on the unit. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Properties dialog
box appears.
c. Enable the Launch user-specified application checkbox and enter the directory path, name
and any command line arguments. For commands that do not provide a GUI, enable the
Launch in command window checkbox.
To configure Telnet access directly to a server:
NOTE: This procedure applies to Serial Console Viewer or third party Telnet access directly to a server.
1. Select View - Properties from the Network Access Software menu.
— or —
Click the Properties task button.
— or —
Right-click on the unit. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Properties dialog box