Chapter 6: Video Viewer 77
Preemption of a local user/administrator by an administrator
If an administrator attempts to access a target device being accessed by the local user or by another
administrator with equal privileges, the currently connected user can accept or reject the
preemption request. A message asks the connected local user or administrator whether they want to
accept the preemption request. If the target device is attached to a KVM switch, the user will not be
given the option to accept or reject preemption. If the preemption request is rejected, a message is
displayed informing the administrator their request has been rejected and they cannot access the
target device.
In scenarios where a preemption request can be rejected, the Session Preemption Request window
opens. Use this window to accept the preemption request by clicking the Accept button, or reject
the preemption request by clicking the Reject button or by closing the window.
To preempt the current user:
1. Click the Servers button in the Network Access Software.
2. Complete one of the following steps:
Double-click on the target device in the Unit list.
— or —
Select the target device, then click the Connect Video button.
— or —
Right-click on the target device. Select Connect Video from the pop-up menu.
— or —
Select the target device and press Enter.
3. When another user is viewing this target device, a message indicates the target device is
already involved in a KVM session. If the KVM switch has connection sharing enabled, you
are given the option to share the session. For information about connection sharing, see
Share Mode on page 79. If your access rights (as compared with those of the primary user)
allow it, you are prompted to either share or preempt the existing session. If the option is
available, select Preempt.
4. Click OK or Yes. A preemption notification is sent to the primary user. Depending on your
access rights, the primary user might be able to reject the preemption.
— or —
Click No to let the primary user retain the connection.
5. If the preemption completes, the Video Viewer of the target device session opens.