
Look at the contents of a window
Every window has several features that help you view the
window’s contents. But before you can work with the contents of
a window, you need to make that window the active window.
Make a window the active window
You can have several windows open on your screen at one
time, but only one window can be the active window. An active
window is one in which you can select objects and choose actions
to perform on those objects.
The Macintosh HD window is currently on your Macintosh
desktop. (The window appeared when you opened the Macintosh
HD icon.) You’re going to open another window now.
1. Click the Trash icon near the lower-right corner of the
screen to select it.
Make sure that the icon is highlighted, which means that
it’s selected to be the object you’ll act upon next.
2. Point to the File menu title in the menu bar.
3. Press to pull down the File menu.
38 Chapter 2: Working on the Desktop