Apple 3 Personal Computer User Manual

Index 183
General preferences 36
group-based authorization 65
guest access 65
hard disk maintenance 131
hardware asset management 119
Help Desk Mode. See sharing control
human interface
customizing 36
icons 29
tips and shortcuts 37
installation, Remote Desktop 40
Install Packages options 107
keyboard shortcut exceptions 78
kickstart tool 147, 151
launching remote applications 136
limiting access privileges 66
limiting features to administrators 66
logging in remote users 140
logging out users 141
main window 29
Managed Client settings 46
mcx_setting attribute 62, 64
metadata search 116
mirroring a folder 110
moving computer lists 56–57
multi-observe 85, 91
window 33
muting a computer 130
NetBoot 128
networking best practices 71
networking with AirPort 72
Network Install 128
network interface audit 122
network performance tuning 73
networksetup tool 147
Network Time Protocol (NTP) server 129
notification script 97
observation settings 87, 88
Observe Widget 91
observe window 32, 33
offline installation 103
Open Directory 62
package installation 101, 105
preferences 36
preference standardization 133
printer setup 133
Property List Editor tool 62
putting wired clients to sleep 137
quitting applications 137
reclaiming hard disk space 127
Remote 42
removing client software 47, 48
removing files 127
removing Remote Desktop 46
copied items 108
multiple computers 129
repairing UNIX permissions 131
replacing copied items 108
access privileges 69
Application Usage 115
File Search 117
Software Difference 118
Software Version 118
System Overview 119
User History 114
report data sources 111
reporting best practices 113–114
reporting policy template 153
report window 34
restarting client computers 141
reusing tasks 99, 100
saving reporting policy preferences 153
saving reports 125
saving settings 99
saving tasks 99, 100
file import 52
IP range 50, 52
LAN 50
scanner display 49
scanners 49
screen pushing 93
screen sharing console 94
Scripting Remote Desktop
AppleScript 156–159