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4.2.2 MSW2
●MSW2-1: Reserved [Fixed to ON(1)]
●MSW2-2: Auto-cutter operation
[Outline] Select auto-cutter enable/disable.
Auto Cutter Invalid Valid
ON (1) OPERATION: Auto-cutter enabled
OFF (0) OPERATION: Auto-cutter disabled
●MSW2-3: Buffering
[Outline] Select buffering print enable/disable.
OFF(0) ON(1)
Spool Print Invalid Valid
ON (1) OPERATION: Buffering print is enabled. Buffering print means that save a certain amount of
print buffer to internal RAM for collective printing
・ Save a certain amount of print buffer to internal RAM for collective printing.
・ If cut command such as GS+V ESC+i ESC +m are entered, print starts even
before the specified amount is reached. FF or GS+FF command In Black
mark mode or label model works same way.
・ Even if no cut command is entered and the entered data does not reach
the specified amount, entered data to print buffer is printed after no new
deta comes to print buffer for certain period.
OFF (0) OPERATION: Buffering print is disabled.