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4.2.7 MSW7
●MSW7-1: Baud rate
[Outline] Select baud rate which is serial interface communication condition.
Enabled if DSW1-1 OFF is set [following memory switch setting].
Setting Value
Baud Rate
●MSW7-2: Data length
[Outline] Select the data length, which is a serial interface communication condition.
Enabled if DSW1-1 OFF is set [following memory switch setting].
Setting Value
Data Length 7bits,8bits
●MSW7-3: Stop bit
[Outline] Select the stop bit, which is a serial interface communication condition.
Enabled if DSW1-1 OFF is set [following memory switch setting].
Setting Value
Stop Bit 1bit,2bits
●MSW7-4: Parity
[Outline] Select the parity, which is a serial interface communication condition.
Enabled if DSW1-1 OFF is set [following memory switch setting].
Setting Value
●MSW7-5: Busy control
[Outline] Select the busy control, which is a serial interface communication condition.
Enabled if DSW1-1 OFF is set [following memory switch setting].
Setting Value
Flow Control DTR/DSR, XON/XOFF