• <class>-param-get
• <class>-param-set
• <class>-param-list
• <class>-param-add
• <class>-param-remove
• <class>-param-clear
where <class> is one of:
• bond
• console
• host
• host-crashdump
• host-cpu
• network
• patch
• pbd
• pif
• pool
• sm
• sr
• task
• template
• vbd
• vdi
• vif
• vlan
• vm
Note that not every value of <class> has the full set of <class>-param- commands; some have just a subset.
Parameter Types
The objects that are addressed with the xe commands have sets of parameters that identify them and define
their states.
Most parameters take a single value. For example, the name-label parameter of a VM contains a single string
value. In the output from parameter list commands such as xe vm-param-list, such parameters have an indication
in parentheses that defines whether they can be read and written to, or are read-only. For example, the output
of xe vm-param-list on a specified VM might have the lines
user-version ( RW): 1
is-control-domain ( RO): false
The first parameter, user-version, is writable and has the value 1. The second, is-control-domain, is
read-only and has a value of false.
The two other types of parameters are multi-valued. A set parameter contains a list of values. A map parameter
is a set of key/value pairs. As an example, look at the following excerpt of some sample output of the xe vm-
param-list on a specified VM: