Permanently deletes all workload balancing configuration.
Prints all Workload Balancing configuration information to standard out.
Prints all Workload Balancing recommendations to standard out.
Gets a Workload Balancing report of the specified type and saves it to the specified file. XenCenter uses this
command when executing Workload Balancing reports. However, running this command from the CLI does not
output report data in a graphical format. Outputting reports requires using the XenCenter Pool > View Workload
Reports menu command. The available reports are:
• pool_health
• host_health_history
• optimization_performance_history
• pool_optimization_history
• pool_health_history
• vm_chargeback_history
• pool_audit_history
• vm_movement_history
• vm_performance_history
Example usage for each report type is shown below. The utcoffset parameter specifies the number of hours
the pool's time zone is ahead or behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For example, <-5> represents the
Eastern Standard Time zone in North America, which is five hours behind UTC. The start parameter and end
parameters specify the number of hours to report. For example specifying start=-3 and end=0 will cause
Workload Balancing to report on the last three hours of activity. LocaleCode represents the language for the
report output. You can enter either <en> for English or <ja> for Japanese.
xe pool-retrieve-wlb-report report=pool_health \
LocaleCode=<en> \
Start=<-3> \
End=<0> \
PoolID=<c75f9ee9-422f-9cde-4781-24f6cbd9279c> \
UTCOffset=<-5> \
filename=/<pool_health>.txt \
xe pool-retrieve-wlb-report report=host_health_history \
Start=<-3> \
End=<0> \
PoolID=<c75f9ee9-422f-9cde-4781-24f6cbd9279c> \
HostID=<471626e5-8e8b-429b-9990-6013726d7e86> \
UTCOffset=<-5> \
filename=/<host_health_history.txt> \
xe pool-retrieve-wlb-report report=optimization_performance_history \
LocaleCode=<en> \
Start=-3 \
End=0 \
PoolID=c75f9ee9-422f-9cde-4781-24f6cbd9279c \
UTCOffset=-5 \
filename=</optimization_performance_history>.txt \