Parameter Name Description Type
allowed-operations list of the operations allowed on the SR in
this state
read only set parameter
current-operations list of the operations that are currently in
progress on this SR
read only set parameter
VDIs unique identifier/object reference for the
virtual disks in this SR
read only set parameter
PBDs unique identifier/object reference for the
PBDs attached to this SR
read only set parameter
physical-utilisation physical space currently utilized on this SR,
in bytes. Note that for sparse disk formats,
physical utilisation may be less than virtual
read only
physical-size total physical size of the SR, in bytes read only
type type of the SR, used to specify the SR
backend driver to use
read only
introduced-by the drtask (if any) which introduced the SR read onlyk
content-type the type of the SR's content. Used to
distinguish ISO libraries from other SRs. For
storage repositories that store a library of
ISOs, the content-type must be set to
iso. In other cases, Citrix recommends that
this be set either to empty, or the string
read only
shared True if this SR is capable of being shared
between multiple XenServer hosts; False
other-config list of key/value pairs that specify additional
configuration parameters for the SR
read/write map parameter
host The storage repository host name read only
virtual-allocation sum of virtual-size values of all VDIs in this
storage repository (in bytes)
read only
sm-config SM dependent data read only map parameter
blobs binary data store read only
sr-create name-label=<name> physical-size=<size> type=<type>
content-type=<content_type> device-config:<config_name>=<value>
[host-uuid=<XenServer host UUID>] [shared=<true | false>]
Creates an SR on the disk, introduces it into the database, and creates a PBD attaching the SR to a XenServer host.
If shared is set to true, a PBD is created for each XenServer host in the pool; if shared is not specified or set
to false, a PBD is created only for the XenServer host specified with host-uuid.