vdi-snapshot uuid=<uuid_of_the_vdi> [driver-params=<params>]
Produces a read-write version of a VDI that can be used as a reference for backup and/or template creation
purposes. You can perform a backup from a snapshot rather than installing and running backup software inside
the VM. The VM can continue running while external backup software streams the contents of the snapshot to
the backup media. Similarly, a snapshot can be used as a "gold image" on which to base a template. A template
can be made using any VDIs.
The optional driver-params map parameter can be used for passing extra vendor-specific configuration
information to the back end storage driver that the VDI is based on. See the storage vendor driver documentation
for details.
A clone of a snapshot should always produce a writable VDI.
vdi-unlock uuid=<uuid_of_vdi_to_unlock> [force=true]
Attempts to unlock the specified VDIs. If force=true is passed to the command, it will force the unlocking
VIF Commands
Commands for working with VIFs (Virtual network interfaces).
The VIF objects can be listed with the standard object listing command (xe vif-list), and the parameters
manipulated with the standard parameter commands. See the section called “Low-level Parameter Commands”
for details.
VIF Parameters
VIFs have the following parameters:
Parameter Name Description Type
uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the VIF
read only
vm-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the VM that this
VIF resides on
read only
vm-name-label the name of the VM that this VIF
resides on
read only
allowed-operations a list of the operations allowed
in this state
read only set parameter
current-operations a list of the operations that are
currently in progress on this VIF
read only set parameter
device integer label of this VIF,
indicating the order in which VIF
backends were created
read only
MAC MAC address of VIF, as exposed
to the VM
read only