Host Parameters
XenServer hosts have the following parameters:
Parameter Name Description Type
uuid The unique identifier/object
reference for the XenServer
read only
name-label The name of the XenServer host read/write
name-description The description string of the
XenServer host
read only
enabled false if disabled which prevents
any new VMs from starting
on them, which prepares the
XenServer hosts to be shut
down or rebooted; true if the
host is currently enabled
read only
API-version-major major version number read only
API-version-minor minor version number read only
API-version-vendor identification of API vendor read only
API-version-vendor-implementation details of vendor
read only map parameter
logging logging configuration read/write map parameter
suspend-image-sr-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the SR where
suspended images are put
crash-dump-sr-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference for the SR where
crash dumps are put
software-version list of versioning parameters
and their values
read only map parameter
capabilities list of Xen versions that the
XenServer host can run
read only set parameter
other-config A list of key/value pairs that
specify additional configuration
parameters for the XenServer
read/write map parameter
chipset-info A list of key/value pairs that
specify information about the
Read only map parameter
hostname XenServer host hostname read only
address XenServer host IP address read only