Delta Electronics VFD-EL Power Supply User Manual

Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision August 2008, 2ELE, V1.02 4-35
Before using the JOG command, the drive must be stopped first. And during Jog operation,
other operation commands are not accepted, except FORWARD/REVERSE commands.
JOG Accel. Time
JOG Decel. Time
The definition of JOG Accel./Decel. Time
Min. output
0 Hz
01.16 Auto-Acceleration / Deceleration
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 Linear acceleration / deceleration
1 Auto acceleration, linear Deceleration.
2 Linear acceleration, auto Deceleration.
3 Auto acceleration / deceleration (set by load)
4 Auto acceleration / deceleration (set by Accel/Decel Time setting)
With Auto acceleration / deceleration it is possible to reduce vibration and shocks during
starting/stopping the load.
During Auto acceleration the torque is automatically measured and the drive will accelerate to
the set frequency with the fastest acceleration time and the smoothest starting current.
During Auto deceleration, regenerative energy is measured and the motor is smoothly stopped
with the fastest deceleration time.
But when this parameter is set to 4, the actual accel/decel time will be equal to or more than
parameter Pr.01.09 ~Pr.01.12.
Auto acceleration/deceleration makes the complicated processes of tuning unnecessary. It
makes operation efficient and saves energy by acceleration without stall and deceleration
without brake resistor.
In applications with brake resistor or brake unit, Auto deceleration shall not be used.