Chapter 9 Remote Data Centre Operation
9.3.3 SIGTRAN Link Traffic Measurements
Measurements collected on a per SIGTRAN link basis can be transferred periodically to the RDC. These
measurements can optionally be reset at the expiry of each interval.
9.3.4 Ethernet Port Traffic Measurements
Measurements collected on performance data associated with Ethernet ports can be transferred periodically
to the RDC. These measurements can optionally be reset at the expiry of each interval.
9.3.5 System Measurements
Measurements collected on system performance data can be transferred periodically to the RDC. These
measurements can optionally be reset at the expiry of each interval.
9.4 RDC File Formats
This section specifies the file formats for records that are sent from the Signaling Gateway to a Remote Data
Centre (RDC). As shown in the examples, the records are provided in CSV (Comma Separated Variable) text
file format.
9.4.1 Alarm Record File Format
10,11,1,0,3,A,2001-01-01,00:00:35,,,Linkset fail
11,9,1,0,2,A, 2001-01-01,00:00:35,,,C7 link fail
2,44,1,3,2,C, 2001-01-01,00:00:28, 2001-01-01,00:00:36,CR send fail
11,9,1,0,2,C, 2001-01-01,00:00:35, 2001-01-01,00:00:36,C7 link fail
10,11,1,0,3,C, 2001-01-01,00:00:35, 2001-01-01,00:00:36,Linkset fail
Field Title Example Range Description
1 ALP 10 1 to 9999
Sequence reference number
of an entry in the alarm log
2 CODE 11 1 to 999 Fault code of a system alarm
3 ID 1 0 to 9999
Identifier for alarm (usage
depends on the alarm code)
4 DIAG 0 0 to 9999
Diagnostic of the alarm (usage
depends on the alarm code)
5 CLA 3 0 to 3 Alarm class number
Indication whether the alarm
is Active or Cleared
7 DATE OCCURRED 1970-01-01 yyyy-mm-dd Date the alarm occurred
8 TIME OCCURED 00:00:35 hh:mm:ss Time the alarm occurred
9 DATE CLEARED 1970-01-01 yyyy-mm-dd Date the alarm cleared
10 TIME CLEARED 00:00:36 hh:mm:ss Time the alarm cleared
11 TITLE Linkset fail
Up to 12 text
Title of the alarm