Chapter 6 Command Definitions
6.9.2 MNBLE – Maintenance Blocking End
This command ends the blocked condition of boards, signaling links, remote data centres, SIGTRAN links and
SIGTRAN Application Servers and brings them into service. The command restores configuration data to the
lower levels of the Signaling Gateway and brings the timeslots into service. Possible grouping are:
• SS7 signaling links
• Boards
• Remote Data Centres (RDCs)
• SIGTRAN signaling links
• SIGTRAN Application Servers
Note: If an RDC has previously been blocked but a file transfer was already in progress, subsequent
MNBLE commands which use that RDC fail with “NO SYSTEM RESOURCES” until the file transfer
is complete.
• The item being unblocked has been initiated and is currently blocked.
• When unblocking an SS7 link with a signaling processor (EQU), both the board containing the signaling
processor and the board containing the signaling timeslot must already be unblocked.
• An SS7 link with a signaling processor (EQU) cannot be unblocked until all the boards processing the SS7
signaling are blocked and then unblocked.
• An SS7 link cannot be unblocked if it is on a C7 route that has more than one link set and those link sets
have either different OPCs, SS7MDs, NCs or NIs.
• An AS cannot be unblocked unless it has a SNLINK attached.
• An M3UA SNLINK must have a default NC or a mapping of an NA into an NC.
• An M3UA SNLINK must have a mapping of an NA into an NC or a default NC matching the AS NC the
SNLINK is attached to.
• All the underlying SNLINKs of an AS must have a mapping of an NA into an NC or a default NC matching
the AS NC.
• A C7LINK cannot be unblocked if an associated SNLINK is blocked.
• A network facing M2PA C7LINK can only be unblocked if the Signaling Gateway is licensed for M2PA
Note: M2PA can be used for DUAL operation without a license.
Output Format
Unblocking C7LINK 1