Installation and Use Manual 53
Transmitter Configuration, Characterization, and Calibration
Meter Verification Transmitter TerminalsData LoggerTransmitter Configuration
Figure 5-1 ProLink II configuration window
This window is organized into panels. To configure an option:
a. Display the appropriate panel by clicking on its tab at the top of the window.
b. Set options using standard Windows methods:
- Use arrows to display and select from dropdown lists.
- Type values into textboxes.
- Click on radio buttons to select from a set of options.
- Click on checkboxes to enable or disable options.
As you make changes to a panel, the tab display color is changed to yellow.
3. When you are finished with a panel:
• To discard the changes, click
Cancel. You will be asked to verify the cancellation.
- If you click
Yes, your changes will be discarded and the Configuration window is
- If you click
No, you are returned to the current configuration panel.