ROC827 Instruction Manual
Issued Mar-06 General Information 1-12
The historical database is maintained in 11 segments. You can configure
each segment in the database to archive selected points at specified time
intervals. The segments can continuously archive or can be turned on and
You can distribute history points among history segments 1 through 10
and the general history segment. For each history segment, you can
configure the number of periodic history values archived, the frequency of
archiving periodic values, the number of daily values archived, and the
contract hour. The number of minute values is fixed at 60. The 200 points
provide a total of over 197,000 entries (equal to more than 35 days of 24-
hour data for 200 points).
The Event Log records the last 450 parameter changes, power on and off
cycles, calibration information, and other system events. The event is
recorded along with a date and time stamp. The Alarm Log records the last
450 configured occurrences of alarms (set and clear). You can view the
logs, save them to a disk file, or print them using ROCLINK 800 software.
1.4.2 Meter Runs and Stations
You can group similarly configured meter runs into stations, which
provide great benefits during configuration and reporting. You can also
configure each meter run, which eliminates redundant meter run data
within a station and enables faster data processing.
You can group meter runs among the maximum of twelve stations in any
combination. Meter runs belong in the same station when they have the
same gas composition data and calculation methods. Stations allow you to:
Set contract hours differently for each station.
Designate several individual meter runs as part of a station.
Configure one to twelve meter runs for each station.
1.4.3 Flow Calculations
Gas and liquid calculation methods include:
AGA and API Chapter 21 compliant for AGA linear and differential
meter types.
AGA 3 – Orifice Plates for gas.
AGA 7 – Turbine Meters (ISO 9951) for gas.
AGA 8 – Compressibility for Detailed (ISO 12213-2), Gross I (ISO
12213-3), and Gross II for gas.
ISO 5167 – Orifice Plates for liquid.
API 12 – Turbine Meters for liquid.
ROC827 firmware completes full calculations every second on all
configured runs (up to 12) for AGA 3, AGA 7, AGA 8, ISO 5167, and
ISO 9951.