FARGO electronic 400 Printer User Manual

RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
DTC400 Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.6)
Using the Defined Area Option (continued)
Step Procedure
2 When the card grid is first activated, a small black square will appear at its
default size of .2" x .2" / 5mm x 5mm and at its default location in the lower left-
hand corner (0, 0). This square represents the first defined area.
Determine the area of the card needed to define for a signature panel with
a different size and location than the Driver's standard Omit Signature
Area setting. (Note: This area is indicated by the dashed outline.)
Determine the area size by actually printing a card and looking at it in the
same orientation as when it exits the Printer.
3 Measure the total size of the desired area and enter those dimensions into the
dimension boxes. (Note: The minimum size an area is .2" x .2" / 5mm x
Karen Atkins
Access Level-2
ID# 1234478