FARGO electronic HDP5000 Printer User Manual

RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDP5000 High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.4)
Troubleshooting with the LCD Error Message Table (continued)
LCD Error Message Cause Solution
Cover is Open
(PC Error Message
No. 46)
The Cover was left open. Ensure that the Cover is
properly closed.
E-Card Encoder
Startup Error
(PC Error Message
No. 141)
A problem was detected
during Printer start-up.
Reset the Printer and try
again. If this problem persists,
call for technical assistance.
E-Card Startup Error
(PC Error Message
No. 141)
A problem was detected
during Printer start-up.
Reset the Printer and try
again. If this problem persists,
call for technical assistance.
EEPROM Corrupt
(PC Error Message
Nos. 38, 39, 40, and
EEPROM restored with
factory default values.
If changes were made, then go
into the setting values and
reset these numbers.
Ejecting Card
(PC Error Message
No. 72)
The card has been ejected
Click OK to clear the
message. The User might
want to know that a card has
been sent to the reject bin, or
out of the printer, and is either
incomplete or posses a
security risk if not disposed of