User's Manual
A test that determines whether the printer is working correctly.
Test pages are printed to show print quality and verify
whether all characters print. The self-test only tests the printer.
It does not test how thecomputer works with the printer.
A printer cover that has bail rollers and the guide that leads
paper outside the printer.
A standard computer interface. Information is transferred
between devices over a single wire (although other wires are
used for control). A serial interface can use an interface cable
greater than 3 meters (10 feet). A long cable is often necessary
in networking environments, where the printer may be shared.
One of the printer’s two operating modes. In setup mode, the
controlpanel can be used to select the printer default settings,
such as print features, hardware options, and top-of-form.
Setup mode also provides some diagnostic functions. See also
Normal mode.
Shadow printing prints characters twice for emphasis.
Characters printed the second time are shifted slightly to the
Single sheets are sheets of paper, envelopes, and
noncontinuous multipart forms fed into the printer using the
cut sheet stand or optional cut sheet feeder. Single sheets are
also called cut sheets.
Fonts downloaded from a disk to the printer memory. Soft
fonts are also referred to as downloaded fonts. Unlike resident
fonts, soft fonts are available only when in the printer memory.
Programs that control the computer and printer to perform
specified tasks, such as word processing, database
management, and preparation of spreadsheets. Software is
sometimes referred to as application software.
Serial interface
Setup mode
Shadow printing
Single sheets
Soft fonts
#G Glossary 2000.09.20, 2:46 PM6