GE 90-30 PLC Switch User Manual

TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User's Manual Ć August 1997 GFKĆ1084B
07—20—95 07:57 GE FANUC SERIES 90—30/90—20/MICRO (v6.01) Page 13
| << RUNG 30 STEP #0075 >>
|%S0007 +—————+ %T0007
+——] [———+ EQ_ |+——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————(S)——
| | INT ||
| | ||
|RD4CRSW | ||
|%R0004 —+I1 Q++
| | |
| CONST —+I2 |
| +00001 +—————+
| << RUNG 31 STEP #0078 >>
|%S0007 +—————+ %T0008
+——] [———+ NE_ | +——————————————————————————————————————————(S)——
| | INT | |
| | | |
|RD4CRSW | | +—————+|
|%R0004 —+I1 Q+—————————+ NE_ ||
| | | | INT ||
| | | | ||
| | | RD4CRSW | ||
| CONST —+I2 | %R0004 —+I1 Q++
| +00000 +—————+ | |
| | |
| CONST —+I2 |
| +00001 +—————+
| (****************************************************************************)
| (* The rungs that follow execute COMREQs for all channels if DOREADS or *)
| (* RESTART is set or if RS_CHx is set for any channel, and if LANIFOK is *)
| (* set. Note: DOREADS, RESTART and RS_CHx bits are set on a one—shot *)
| (* so the COMREQs execute once in the scan. *)
| (****************************************************************************)
Program: CHAN4 C:\LM90\LAN\CHAN4 Block: _MAIN