GE v6 Computer Monitor User Manual

Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 164
Events Tab - Micro Form
Micro Form
Use this tab to assign events to this micro.
Reset APB Event
Select an event from the drop-down list of available event records that will reset the anti-passback status
for all badges in the micro.
Reset T & A Event
Select an event from the drop-down list of available event records that will reset the T&A status for all
badges in the micro.
Exchange Key Encryption
Exchange encryption protects the Host-to-micro exchange of information. Assigning an exchange key
grants you a privilege of accessing the next level of encryption, the Data Encryption. You have two
System: This method of encryption is more convenient but more vulnerable. The key is set at
the factory, system-generated, and exists in the Host software.
Custom: Setting up a Custom exchange key is the most secure method of encryption. The
Custom key is user-supplied. The installer can go to each micro and assign the exchange
key. When assigning a Custom exchange key, you must assign a total of 48 unique hex
characters, in three 16-character strings. Do not repeat any characters. This method of
encryption uses a three-pass authentication process. Starting at the left, the first pass
authenticates 16 hex characters. The second pass authenticates 16 hex characters. The
third pass authenticates all 48 hex characters.
Refer to Log On/Log Off or Shut Down.
Expiration Date Filter Tab
Badge Report
Use this tab to generate a report based on the expiration date of the badges.
Do not filter badges by expiration date: Select this field if you do not want to use the
expiration date as a method of filtering the report information. This is equivalent to running a
report on badges for all expiration dates.
Filter badges using this expiration date range: Select this field if you do want to use the
expiration date as a method of filtering the report information. If this is selected, you must
select a starting and ending date.
Starting date: Click the start date you want for the starting range of expiration dates.
Ending date: Click the ending date you want for the ending range of expiration dates.