Support Services
102 Zebra XiII Printer User’s Guide
On-site training and custom courses are available. Class content can be cus-
tomized and schedules developed upon request to address your organiza-
tion’s specific needs. For customized or on-site courses, tuition fees depend
on course length and topics covered.
In addition to operation and maintenance courses, Zebra offers two unique
courses: “Bar Codes at Work” and “Labeling”. “Bar Codes at Work” is
designed to improve the thermal printing and bar code knowledge base of
many of our users and technicians. “Labeling” provides the technician, end-
user, and programmer with the tools and techniques necessary to effectively
produce labeling solutions.
Operation and Maintenance Courses
Each operation and maintenance course first introduces the student to vari-
ous bar code concepts and terminology. Topics include direct thermal/ther-
mal transfer printing, continuous and non-continuous media, thin-film
thermal printheads, and serial and parallel communication interfaces.
After completing this introductory material, the student focuses on printer
setup and configuration. Each student sets up a printer, exercises its self-test
diagnostics, and performs the preventive maintenance procedures required
to insure trouble-free operation. Mechanical and electrical operations are
detailed through the disassembly and reassembly of the printer. Printer
options are installed and adjusted. Critical checks and alignments important
to the proper operation of the printer, such as media and ribbon sensor sen-
sitivity, spindle maintenance and adjustments, printhead replacement, and
print quality alignments are discussed and performed by the students. Trou-
bleshooting techniques and common faults are described and reviewed
through hands-on exercises. To assist in troubleshooting communications-
related problems, an introduction to the Zebra Programming Language
and ZPL II
) is provided. Students review the general structure of
ZPL, interface computers to the Zebra printers, and follow a series of exer-
cises which lead them through the steps necessary to create and print labels.
Zebra printer courses may be taken separately or bundled together to cover
printer families. The following table shows the course offerings currently
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