ModBus Data Listing
Appendix B
A103 [OI]–[L] input active
range start current
R/W The starting point for the
current input range.
Range is 0. to 100.%
1083h 04227 0 to 100 1 %
A104 [OI]–[L] input active
range end current
R/W The ending point for the
current input range.
Range is 0. to 100.%
1084h 04228 0 to 100 1 %
A105 [OI]–[L] input start
frequency enable
R/W Two options:
00... Use A101 start value
01... Use 0Hz
1085h 04229 0, 1 —
A141 A input select for calcu-
late function
R/W Five options:
00... Digital operator
01... Keypad potentiometer
02... [O] input
03... [OI] input
04... Network variable
108Eh 04238 0 to 4 —
A142 B input select for calcu-
late function
R/W Five options:
00... Digital operator
01... Keypad potentiometer
02... [O] input
03... [OI] input
04... Network variable
108Fh 04239 0 to 4 —
A143 Calculation symbol R/W Calculates a value based on
the A input source (A141
selects) and the B input source
(A142 selects). Three options:
00... ADD (A input + B
01... SUB (A input – B input)
02... MUL (A input x B input)
1090h 04240 0 1, 2 —
A145 ADD frequency R/W An offset value that is applied
to the output frequency when
the [ADD] terminal is ON.
Range is 0.0 to 400.0 Hz
1091h 04241 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
A146 ADD direction select R/W Two options:
00... Plus (adds A145 value to
the output frequency setting)
01... Minus (subtracts A145
value from the output
frequency setting)
1093h 04243 0, 1 —
A151 Pot. input active range
start frequency
R/W The output frequency corre-
sponding to the potentiometer
range starting point,
range is 0.0 to 400.0
1095h 4245 0 to 4000 0.1 Hz
Holding Registers for “A” Group Standard Functions
Name R/W Description
Network Data
Range Res.
hex dec.