L2002 Inverter
Appendix B
The following table lists the holding registers for the “C” Group Intelligent Input
“C” Group Intelligent Terminal Functions
Name R/W Description
Network Data
Range Res.
hex dec.
C001 Terminal [1] function R/W
“Input Terminal
Configuration” on page 3–
1103h 04355 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 11,
12, 13,
15, 16,
18, 19,
20, 21,
22, 23,
24, 27,
28, 29,
31, 50,
51, 255
C002 Terminal [2] function R/W 1104h 04356
C003 Terminal [3] function R/W 1105h 04357
C004 Terminal [4] function R/W 1106h 04358
C005 Terminal [5] function R/W 1107h 04359
C011 Terminal [1] active state R/W Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open [NO]
01...normally closed [NC]
110Bh 04363 0, 1 —
C012 Terminal [2] active state R/W 110Ch 04364 0, 1 —
C013 Terminal [3] active state R/W 110Dh 04365 0, 1 —
C014 Terminal [4] active state R/W 110Eh 04366 0, 1 —
C015 Terminal [5] active state R/W 110Fh 04367 0, 1 —
C021 Terminal [11] function R/W
“Output Terminal
Configuration” on page 3–
1114h 04372
0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9
C022 Terminal [12] function R/W 1115h 04373
C026 Alarm relay terminal
R/W 1119h 04377
C028 [AM] signal selection R/W Two available functions:
00...Actual motor speed
01...Motor current
111Bh 04379 0, 1 —
C031 Terminal [11] active
R/W Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open (NO)
01...normally closed (NC)
111Dh 04381 0, 1 —
C032 Terminal [12] active
R/W Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open (NO)
01...normally closed (NC)
111Eh 04382 0, 1 —
C036 Alarm relay active state R/W Select logic convention, two
option codes:
00...normally open (NO)
01...normally closed (NC)
1122h 04370 0, 1 —