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HHP Symbologies
Advanced properties are available when an integrated Hand Held Products imager is installed in the MX7 Tecton.
Advanced properties are applicable regardless of the ID type selected (AIM or HHP). HHP = Hand Held Products.
Not all HHP symbologies have Advanced options. Symbologies with Advanced options are documented on the follow-
ing pages. Symbologies with Advanced button function are marked with an asterisk in the table below.
The Data Collection Wedge does not manage mutually exclusive option selections. The user is responsible for under-
standing the options that can co-exist for the data collection device. The documentation provided from the manufac-
turer of the scanner/imager being managed describes the interaction between symbologies and their configurations.
Advanced Button (Hand Held Products Imager Only)
The Advanced button is only available if a Hand Held Products Imager is in use. Because the Hand Held Products
imager does not support configuration bar codes (available in the Integrated Scanner Programming Guide), the
Advanced button function allows configuration parameters to be set for many of the HHP imager supported bar codes.
If there are advanced configuration options for the selected Hand Held Products Imager symbology, an Advanced but-
ton is displayed in the lower right corner of the panel. When the Enable check box is empty, the Advanced button is
dimmed for a symbology with advanced configuration parameters. Not all bar code symbologies have configuration
parameters so the Advanced button is not present for all symbologies.
Sections that follow are the HHP symbologies with advanced configuration parameters that can be changed by the
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