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The MX7 Tecton is designed to work with a Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) battery. Under normal conditions it should last approximately
eight to ten hours before requiring a recharge. The more you use the scanner or the wireless transmitter, the shorter the time
required between battery recharges.
A suspended MX7 Tecton maintains settings for a minimum of two days using a main battery that has reached the Low Warning
point and a fully charged Super-cap internal battery. The MX7 Tecton retains data, during a main battery hot swap, for at least 5
Note: New main battery packs must be charged prior to use. This process takes up to four hours in an MX7 Tecton Battery
Charger and six hours when the MX7 Tecton is connected to external power.
Checking Battery Status
Tap the Battery tab on the Power panel. Battery level, power status and charge remaining is displayed.
Note: When the Battery control panel is displayed power management is disabled, meaning the backlights and display will
not turn off nor will the unit suspend, after the configured inactivity times expire.
Main Battery Pack
The main battery pack has a rugged plastic enclosure that is designed to withstand the ordinary rigors of an industrial envi-
ronment. Exercise care when transporting the battery pack making sure it does not come in contact with excessive heat or
any power source other than the MX7 Tecton Battery Charger or the MX7 Tecton unit.
When the main battery pack is properly installed in the unit it provides up to eight hours of operation depending upon use
and accessories installed. The battery pack is resistant to impact damage and falls of up to four feet to a concrete surface.
Under normal conditions it should last approximately eight hours before requiring a recharge. The more you use the scan-
ner or the wireless transmitter, the shorter the time required between battery recharges.
Battery Hotswapping
Note: When the internal battery power is Low or Very Low (can be viewed on the Power control panel) connect the AC
adapter to the MX7 Tecton before replacing the main battery pack.
When the main battery power level is low, the MX7 Tecton will signal the user with the low battery warning indicator (the
Status LED remains a steady red) that continues until the main battery is replaced, the battery completely depletes, or
external power is applied to the MX7 Tecton using an AC Adapter.
You can replace the main battery by first placing the MX7 Tecton in Suspend Mode then removing the discharged main bat-
tery and installing a charged main battery within a five minute time limit (or before the Super-cap internal battery depletes).
When the main battery is removed the MX7 Tecton enters Critical Suspend state; the MX7 Tecton remains in Suspend
mode, the display is turned off and the internal battery continues to power the unit for at least five minutes.
Though data is retained, the MX7 Tecton cannot be used until a charged main battery is installed. After installing the new
battery, press the Power key. Full operational recovery from Suspend can take several seconds while the client is re-estab-
lishing a network link. If the internal battery depletes before a fully charged main battery can be inserted, the MX7 Tecton
will turn Off.
Low Battery Warning
It is recommended that the main battery pack be removed and replaced when its energy depletes. When the main battery
Low Battery Warning appears (the Status LED remains a steady red) perform an orderly shut down, minimizing the opera-
tion of any installed devices and insuring any information is saved that should be saved.
Super-cap Internal Battery
The MX7 Tecton has an internal battery that is designed to provide limited-duration electrical power in the event of main
battery failure. The energy needed to maintain the internal battery near full charge at all times is drawn from the MX7 Tec-
ton main battery. It takes 5 minutes or less to fully charge the internal battery. The duration of internal battery life is depen-
dent upon operation of the MX7 Tecton, its features and any operating applications. The internal battery has a minimum
service life of two years. The Super-cap internal battery is replaced by Honeywell.