Huawei MC509 Network Router User Manual

AT Command Interface Specification
SMS Interface Commands
Issue 01 (2011-08-26)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1: CPT (not supported at present)
2: voice mail (not supported at present)
3: SMS report
<stat>: Specifies the type of a short message. The values are as follows:
0: received unread short messages
1: received read short messages
2: stored unsent short messages
3: stored sent short messages
4: all short messages(only useful in ^HCMGL command)
<Msg>: The received short message.
<ctrl-Z>: Indicates the end of the content of a short message. The character is '0x1A'
when the encoding format is not UNICODE encoding; the character is '0x001A' when
the encoding format is UNICODE encoding.
8.15 +CMGDCommand for Deleting a Short Message
8.15.1 Syntax
Possible Response(s)
In case of an SMS-related error:
<CR><LF>+CMS ERROR:<err><CR><LF>
<CR><LF>+CMGD:(supported <index> list)[,(supported
<delflag> list)]<CR><LF>
8.15.2 Interface Description
The execution command deletes the short messages in the <index> position of the
storage medium specified by <mem1>. For the setting and description of <mem1>,
see the +CPMS command. If the second parameter <delflag> is provided, and the
value is not 0, the MT ignores <index> and performs operations based on <delflag>.
The current storage position of short messages and the supported <delflag> values
are returned when the test command is executed.
8.15.3 Parameter Description
<index>: Identifies the storage position of a short message.