Huawei MC509 Network Router User Manual

AT Command Interface Specification
GPS Commands
Issue 01 (2011-08-26)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
14.6.2 Interface Description
This command is used to end GPS position session. If there is no active session, this
command will return error.
14.6.3 Parameter Description
<err>: error code or error description
Error code
Error description
Operation not supported
GPS function disabled
PD session is in off status
14.7 ^POSITIONCommand for Reporting Position
14.7.1 Syntax
Possible Response(s)
<CR><LF>^POSITION: <long>,<lat>,<alt><CR><LF>
14.7.2 Interface Description
This command reports the position result to user. The report interval is related to fix
rate. If the time between fix ≥ 3s, it won‟t limited the report interval, or it will report the
first fix result, then report once after three fixes.
14.7.3 Parameter Description
All the default parameters below are 0
<long>: longitude, in the range from -180 degrees to +180 degrees, referenced to the
WGS-84 reference ellipsoid, counting positive angles east of the Greenwich meridian
and negative angles west of the Greenwich meridian.
<lat>: latitude, in the range from -90 degrees to +90 degrees, referenced to the
WGS-84 reference ellipsoid, counting positive angles north of the equator and
negative angles south of the equator.
<alt>altitude, height of MS above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid in units of 1
meter, ranging from -500 m to 15883 m, where the field value conveys the height
plus 500 m, positive is above the horizontal and negative is under the horizontal.
Because of the bug of GPS system, the altitude is not accurate