Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
112 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Server. However, that would leave no space for any symbolic links, hard links, or growth. To cover
these needs, the total number of SFS records might be rounded up to 1,500,000.
If more name space is needed, additional space can be obtained by allocating more SFS records, by
adding more storage subsystems, and/or by “attaching” to a Name Server in another HPSS. Refer
to Section 10.7.3: Name Server Space Shortage on page 272 in the HPSS Management Guide for
information on handling an Name Server space shortage.
Access Control List Extensions. This metadata file is used to store overflow object ACL entries and
to store any Initial Container or Initial Object ACL entries. An object with more than four object
ACL entries (in addition to the standard user_obj, group_obj, and other_obj entries) will have one
or more ACL records in the ACL overflow file. Each of these ACL extension records can contain up
to 16 additional ACL entries. Any directory object that has Initial Container or Initial Object ACL
entries will have one or more ACL records in the ACL overflow file. Sites that anticipate using a
large number of ACLs of any type should ensure that sufficient SFS space is available for the ACL
overflow file.
Text Extensions. A name space object whose name is greater than 23 characters or that has a
comment will create records in the text overflow (or extensions) file. In addition, the symbolic link
data of all symbolic link objects is placed in the text overflow file. These text records are variable
length with a maximum size of 1023 bytes. Sites that anticipate using comments, symbolic links
and/or long names should ensure that sufficient SFS space is available to accommodate these text
overflow entries.
Fileset Attributes. This metadata file is used to hold fileset information about a particular fileset.
When fileset objects are created, there is insufficient room in the object file record to hold all of the
needed information. This additional information is put into a record in this file. So, there is a record
in this file for each fileset managed by this Name Server.
Global Filesets. This file is shared by all Name Servers running in a particular DCE cell. If more
than oneHPSS is running in a DCE cell or there is more than one storage subsystem within an HPSS
system, each Name Server should share this file. The Global Filesets file is used to guarantee the
uniqueness of fileset names and fileset identification numbers, and to identify which Name Servers
and which DMAP Gateways manage which fileset. Bitfile Server Metadata
The Bitfile Server is the primary user of the following SFS metadata files (the default SFS filenames
are shown in parentheses):
• Storage Classes (storageclass)
• Hierarchies (hierarchy)
• Classes of Service (cos)
• Bitfiles (bitfile.#)
• Bitfile Disk Segments (bfdisksegment.#)
• Bitfile Disk Allocation Maps (bfdiskallocrec.#)