
Chapter 3 System Preparation
202 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Deferred Dismount - Is deferred dismount disabled? If so, what is the
rationale? In a future release, lshpss will print the deferred dismount time – is
it reasonable?
Device Specific A & B - Verify that these are correct for the specific PVR type
(of course, it probably wouldn’t run if they weren’t, but…).
Log Daemon
Logfile Max Size - Many sites are now using a larger value (e.g., 50MB), which
aids in running delogs over a greater time window without having to retrieve
a log file that has been archived into HPSS. Using a larger size also has the
benefit of archiving fewer (albeit larger) files into HPSS.
Archive Log File - If not set, we will not be able to recover HPSS logs for
activities that happen once the online log files wrap – is there a good reason
not to archive?
Archive COS - The COS to which the archives logs will be written. Is it reasonable?
Probably do not want a tape-only COS, since that will result in a tape mount for
every archived log file (most likely).
Log Client List
Logfile Max Size - A larger log file allows for easier debugging – too small a
log file forces the investigatorto run delogswhich includes infofrom all nodes,
which may or may not be what is desired.
Log To - Normally this is set to logging to a local log file and the log daemon.
If different, what is the rationale?
NFS Daemon List - None
SFS Files - None
Detailed node configuration information for all HPSS server, DCE server, and SFS server
nodes (Note: The lsnode and lsnode.ksh scripts are from the deployment tools package)
To generate the node configuration information locally, issue the following on each HPSS
server, DCE server, and SFS server node:
root% lsnode
To generate the node configuration information, store it locally in /var/hpss/stats/
lsnode.out, and have it automatically emailed to IBM Houston, issue the following on each
HPSS server, DCE server, and SFS server node:
root% lsnode.ksh
root% more /var/hpss/stats/lsnode.out
The following is a list of lshpss review considerations:
“no” Options - Check that they aren’t opened up ridiculously large – in particular for
“tcp_sendspace” and “tcp_recvspace”, as these are the defaults inherited by every