Intel S5721-xxx Computer Hardware User Manual

System BIOS CBI/CGI Technical Reference
Chassis Plans3-4
You may try again to enter the correct password. If you enter the password incorrectly
three times, the system responds in one of two different ways, depending on the value
specified in the Password Check option on the Advance CMOS Setup screen:
1) If the Password Check option is set to Setup, the system does not let you
enter Setup, but does continue the booting process. You must reboot the
system manually to retry entering the password.
2) If the Password Check option is set to Always, the system locks and you
must reboot. After rebooting, you will be requested to enter the password.
Once the password has been entered correctly, you are allowed to continue.
BIOS Errors
If an error is encountered during the diagnostic checks performed when the system is
powered on, the error is reported in one of two different ways:
1) If the error occurs before the display device is initialized, a series of beeps is
2) If the error occurs after the display device is initialized, the screen displays
the error message. In the case of a non-fatal error, a prompt to press the
<F1> key may also appear on the screen.
Explanations of the beep codes and BIOS error messages may be found in Appendix A -
BIOS Messages.
As the POST routines are performed, test codes are presented on Port 80H. These codes
may be helpful as a diagnostic tool and are listed in Appendix A - BIOS Messages.
If certain non-fatal error conditions occur, you are requested to run the AMIBIOS Setup
Utility. The error messages are followed by this screen:
Press <F1>. You may be requested to enter a password before gaining access to the
AMIBIOS Setup Utility. (See Password Entry earlier in this section.)
If you enter the correct password or no password is required, the AMIBIOS Setup Utility
Main Menu displays.
AMIBIOS (C)1998 American Megatrends, Inc.
TRENTON Technology Inc.
Press F1 to Resume