Intel S5721-xxx Computer Hardware User Manual

Advanced SetupCBI/CGI Technical Reference
Chassis Plans 5-1
Chapter 5 Advanced Setup
When you select Advanced CMOS Setup from the AMIBIOS Setup Utility Main
Menu, the following Setup screen displays:
Advanced CMOS Setup Screen
When you display the Advanced CMOS Setup screen, the format is similar to the sample
shown above, except the screen displays only twenty options at a time. If you need to
change other options, use the down arrow key to locate the appropriate option. The
available values for each option are displayed on the right side of the screen when you
tab or arrow into the field.
NOTE: The values on this screen do not necessarily reflect the values appropriate for
your SBC. Refer to the explanations below for specific instructions about entering
correct information.
(C)1998 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Quick Boot Disabled
Pri Master ARMD Emulated as Auto
Pri Slave ARMD Emulated as Auto
Sec Master ARMD Emulated as Auto
Sec Slave ARMD Emulated as Auto
1st Boot Device 1st IDE-HDD
2nd Boot Device Floppy
3rd Boot Device ATAPI CDROM
Try Other Boot Devices Yes
Initialize I2O Devices Yes
Display Mode at Add-On ROM Init Force BIOS
Floppy Access Control Read-Write
Hard Disk Access Control Read-Write
S.M.A.R.T. for Hard Disks Disabled
BootUp Num-Lock On
PS/2 Mouse Support Enabled
System Keyboard Present
Primary Display VGA/EGA
Password Check Setup
Parity Check Enabled
Boot To OS/2 No
Internal Cache WriteBack
External Cache WriteBack
System BIOS Cacheable Enabled
C000,16k, Shadow Cached
C400,16k, Shadow Cached
C800,16k, Shadow Disabled
CC00,16k, Shadow Disabled
D000,16k, Shadow Disabled
D400,16k, Shadow Disabled
D800,16k, Shadow Disabled
DC00,16k, Shadow Disabled
Available Options: