Juniper Networks M10 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 3
JUNOS Internet Software Overview
The JUNOS Internet software is especially designed for the large production networks t ypically
supported b
y Internet Service Providers (ISPs). It incorporates Internet Protocol (IP) routing
software and software for management of interfaces, networks, and the router chassis.
The JUN O S In
ternet software runs on the Routing Engine. The software consists of processes
that support Internet routing protocols, control the router’s interfaces and the router chassis
itself, and provide an interface for system management. The processes run on top of a
kernel that
coordinates the communication among processes and has a direct link to
Use the JUN
OS Internet software to configure the routing protocols that run on the router and
the properties of router interfaces. After you have activated a software configuration, use the
JUNOS Internet software to monitor the protocol traffic passing through the router and to
oot protocol and network connectivity problems.
For additional information abo u t the JU NOS Internet software, including its security features
and a list
of the industry standards it supports, see the JUNOS Internet Software Configuration
Guide: Getting Started. For complete information about configuring the software, including
examples, see the JUNOS Internet software configuration guides.
This chapter discusses the following topics:
Tools for
Accessing and Configuring the Software on p age 27
Tools for M onitoring the Software on p age 27
Software Upgrades on page 28
Routing Engine Software Components
The Routing Engine software consists of several software processes that control router
functions and a kernel that coordinates communication among the processes, as described
in the fol
lowing sections:
Routing Protocol Process on page 22
VPNs on page 26
Interface Process on page 26
Chassis Process on page 26
JUNOS Internet Software Overview