9.2 Login/logout page
Figure 9.5 Login page of the firewall’s Web interface
• User from the local database — the name must be specified without the domain
(e.g. admin),
• Primary domain — missing domain is acceptable in the name specifica-
tion (e.g. jsmith), but it is also possible to include the domain (e.g.
• Other domains — the name specified must include the domain
(e.g. drdolittle@usoffice.company.com).
If none or just one Active Directory domain is mapped, all users can authenticate
by their usernames without the domain specified.
If the user is re-directed to the page automatically (after inserting the URL of a page
for which the firewall authentication is required), he/she will be re-directed to the for-
merly requested website after successful login attempt. Otherwise, the web interface’s
welcome page is displayed.
The welcome page varies depending on the rights of the user (see chapter 13.1):
• If the user is allowed to view statistics, the web interface will switch to the Kerio StaR
mode and it will start with the page of overall statistics (the overall tab — for details,
see chapter 19). The My Account option available at the upper-right corner can be
used to switch to the user settings. It is possible to return to the statistics page by
the Statistics link.
• If the user is not allowed to view statistics, user status info page is displayed instead