Kerio Tech Firewall6 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 15 Advanced security features
P2P network port(s) — list of ports which are exclusively used by P2P networks. These
ports are usually ports for control connections ports (port ranges) for data sharing
can be set by users themselves.
You can use the P2P network port(s) entry to specify ports or port ranges. Use comas
to separate individual values.
Connection count minimal number of concurrent connections which the user must
reach to run P2P networks detection.
Big volume of established connections is a typical feature of P2P networks (usually
one connection for each file).
The optimum value depends on circumstances (type of user’s work, frequently used
network applications, etc.) and it must be tested. If the value is too low, the sys-
tem can be unreliable (users who do not use P2P networks might be suspected). If
the value is too high, reliability of the detection is decreased (less P2P networks are
15.2 Special Security Settings
WinRoute provides several security options which cannot be defined by traffic rules.
These options can be set in the Security settings tab of the Configuration Advanced
Options section.
Figure 15.4 Security options Anti-Spoofing and cutting down number of connections for one host