Kerio Tech Firewall6 Network Router User Manual

2.5 WinRoute Engine Monitor
Note: WinRoute Firewall Engine is independent on the WinRoute Engine Monitor.
The Engine can be running even if there is no icon in the System Tray on Windows
or in the Dock in Mac OS X.
Kerio Administration Console
It is a versatile console for local or remote administration of Kerio server products.
For successful connection to an application you need a plug-in with an appropriate
interface. Kerio Administration Console is installed hand-in-hand with the appro-
priate module during the installation of Kerio WinRoute. Detailed guidance for
Kerio Administration Console is provided in Kerio Administration Console Help
2.5 WinRoute Engine Monitor
WinRoute Engine Monitor is a standalone utility used to control and monitor the
WinRoute Firewall Engine status. The icon of this component is displayed on the toolbar.
Figure 2.4 WinRoute Engine Monitor icon in the Notification Area
If WinRoute Engine is stopped, a white crossed red spot appears on the icon. Under
different circumstances, it can take up to a few seconds to start or stop the WinRoute
Engine application. Meanwhile, the icon gets grey and is inactive does not respond to
mouse clicking.
On Windows, left double-clicking on this icon runs the Kerio Administration Console
(described later). Use the right mouse button to open the following menu:
Figure 2.5 WinRoute Engine Monitor menu