
19.3 Connection to StaR and viewing statistics
Statistics and quota accounting periods
Accounting period is a time period within which information of transferred data
volume and other information is gathered. Statistics enable generating of weekly
and monthly overviews. In Accounting Periods, it is possible to define starting days
for weekly and monthly periods (for example, in statistics, a month can start on day
15 of the civil month and end on day 14 of the following civil month). For details,
see chapter 19.4.
The parameter of first day of monthly period also sets when the monthly trans-
ferred data counter of individual users will be set to zero (for monthly quota details,
see chapter 13.1 and 9.3).
19.3 Connection to StaR and viewing statistics
To view statistics, user must authenticate at the WinRoute’s web interface first. User (or
the group the user belongs to) needs rights for statistics viewing see chapter 13.1.
StaR can be accessed by several methods, depending on whether connecting from the
WinRoute host (locally) or from another host (remotely).
Note: For details on the WinRoute’s web interface, see chapter 9.2.
Accessing the statistics from the WinRoute host
On the WinRoute host, the StaR may be opened as follows:
By using the Internet Usage Statistics link available in the WinRoute Engine Monitor
context menu (opened by the corresponding icon in the notification area see chap-
ter 2.5).
By using the Internet Usage Statistics link under Start Programs Kerio
WinRoute Firewall.
Both links open the unsecured StaR interface directly on the local host (by default
http://localhost:4080/star) using the default web browser.
Note: Within local systems, secured traffic would be useless and the browser would
bother user with needless alerts.
Remote access to the statistics
It is also possible to access the statistics remotely, i.e. from any host which is allowed
to connect to the WinRoute host and the web interface’s ports, by using the following
If the host is connected to WinRoute by the Administration Console, the Internet Usage
Statistics link available under Status Statistics can be used. This link opens the
secured StaR interface for statistics in the default web browser.