Kerio Tech Firewall6 Network Router User Manual

Chapter 18 Basic statistics
The period (2 hours or 1 day) can be selected in the Time interval box. The selected time
range is always understood as the time until now (“last 2 hours” or “last 24 hours”).
The x axis of the chart represents time and the y axis represents traffic speed. The x
axis is measured accordingly to a selected time period, while measurement of the y axis
depends on the maximal value of the time interval and is set automatically (bytes per
second is the basic measure unit B/s).
The legend above the graph shows the sampling interval (i.e. the time for which a sum
of connections or messages is counted and is displayed in the graph).
Example: Suppose the 1 day interval is selected. Then, an impulse unit is represented
by 5 minutes. This means that every 5 minutes an average traffic speed for the last
5 minutes is recorded in the chart.
Select an option for Picture size to set a fixed format of the chart or to make it fit to the
Administration Console screen.
18.2 User Statistics data volumes and quotas
The User Statistics of the Status Statistics section provides detailed statistics on volume
of data transmitted by individual users during various time periods (today, this week,
this month and total).
The Quota column provides usage of transfer quota by a particular user in percents (see
chapter 13.1). Colors are used for better reference:
green 0%-74% of the quota is used
yellow 75%-99% of the quota is used
red 100% (limit reached)
1. User quota consists of two limits: daily and monthly. The Quota column provides
the higher value of the two percentual values (if the daily usage is 50% of the daily
quota and the monthly usage is 75%, the yellowed 75% value is displayed in the
Quota column).
2. Monthly quota is reset automatically at the beginning of an accounting period. This
period may differ from a civil month (see chapter
The all users line provides total volume of data transmitted by all users in the table
(even of the unrecognized ones). The unrecognized users item includes all users who
are currently not authenticated at the firewall. These lines do not include quota usage