
4.2 License information
License ID
License number or a special license name.
Subscription expiration date
Date until when the product can be upgraded for free.
Product expiration date
Date when the product expires and stops functioning (only for trial versions or
special license types).
Number of users
Maximal number of hosts (unique IP addresses) that can be connected to the Inter-
net via WinRoute at the same time (for details, refer to chapter 4.6).
Name of the company (or a person) to which the product is registered.
Depending on the current license, links are displayed at the bottom of the image:
1. For unregistered versions:
Become a registered trial user registration of the trial version. This type of
registration is tentative and it is not obligatory. The registration provides users
free technical support for the entire trial period.
Register product with a purchased license number registration of a purchased
Once purchased, the product must be registered. Otherwise, it will keep behaving
as a trial version!
2. For registered versions:
Update registration info this link can be used to update information about the
person/company to which the product is registered and/or to add subscription
license numbers or add-on licenses (add users).
For details on registration of WinRoute from Administration Console, refer to chapter 4.4.
If the update checker is enabled (refer to chapter 14.2), the A new version is available,
click here for details... notice is displayed whenever a new version is available. Click on
the link to open the dialog where the new version can be downloaded and the installation
can be started (for details, see chapter 14.2).
Note: Click the right mouse button at the Administration Console welcome page to open
the menu providing the following options: