For More Information...
Item Description
Installation Guide
(paper manual)
Describes the printer setup procedure.
Quick Reference Guide
(paper manual)
Describes common information about the printer such as load-
ing paper, understanding messages, etc.
The following documents are stored in the CD-ROM as PDF documents.
Operation Guide (this manual) Guides you through topics concerning the operations and main-
tenance of the printer.
KX Printer Drivers Operation Guide Describes how to install and set the printer driver.
PRESCRIBE Commands Technical
PRESCRIBE is the native language of the Kyocera Mita print-
ers. This Technical Reference contains the information about
how the printing is performed using the PRESCRIBE com-
mands as well as the font and emulation description. Also
included is a list of permanent parameters and their explanation
needed when customizing your printer.
PRESCRIBE Commands Command
Gives a detailed explanation of the PRESCRIBE command
syntax and parameters.