Chapter 3: Web Management Interface
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF240-IP Admin User Guide 47
Inbound Recipients CSV Import Format
Extension,Description,Destination type,Destination value
• Extension: numerical extension
• Description: The description for the recipient. Does not need to be repeated for multiple
destinations for the same extension. Only the description for the first destination is used.
• Destination type: One of the following types "Email", "Share", "Print", "User", and "Trash"
• Destination value: The value of the destination appropriate for the type (shown below):
o Email: email address
o Share: The full UNC path of the network share. (The share must already be set up on the
o Print: The name of the printer. (The printer must already be set up on the FF240-IP)
o User: The name of the existing FF240-IP user to email
o Trash: No value needed
Extension,Description,Destination type,Destination value
1000,John Smith,Email,
1000,John Smith,Print,myprinter
Fields may be quoted with double quotes. A header row is optional.
Export Recipients to CSV
This will export the
current recipients list to a CSV file. Click Save on the pop-up window and select a
location for the file to be saved at.
Delete All
This will permanently delete all entries in the recipients list.