Multitech FF240 Server User Manual

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF240-IP Admin User Guide 92
Appendix A – Troubleshooting
1. What if I can't see the web page for my FF240-IP?
REMEDY: Verify that the Admin PC is actually on the same subnet as the FF240-IP and that it can be
Launch a Command Prompt.
(In WinXP, go to Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.
In Win2000, go to Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.)
Type ipconfig to verify that the Admin PC’s IP address is in the same network as the FF240-
IP’s IP address.
Then type ping (or server’s current IP address) and press Return.
If the FF240-IP unit does reply to the ping and you are still unable to view the FF240-IP web
page, then contact Multi-Tech Technical Support on our portal at
To see what the IP address of the FF240-IP unit is, plug a serial cable into the
Console/Command port, open communication software (like HyperTerminal) set to a serial
speed of 115,200 bps and type ifconfig.
2. What if I don't get an email when I click the Send Test Email link?
This pertains to the procedure “System Configuration | SMTP.”
The email may have failed due to one of several causes:
(A) the name server cannot be resolved,
(B) the mail server cannot be contacted; or
(C) the client PC running the mail software cannot connect to the mail server; or
(D) the administrator’s email address may be missing or incorrect;
(E) the email server does not support SMTP; or
(F) a discrepancy exists between settings established in the FF240-IP System Configuration | SMTP
screen and the email server’s requirements for User ID and/or Password in establishing
authentication with the FF240-IP.