Chapter 5: FaxFinder-IP Operation
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF240-IP Admin User Guide 85
The following is available from the Edit | Options menu.
Date/Time tab:
Here you enter the date and time formats for the fax header from the drop-down menus provided.
Advanced tab:
Here you designate the circumstances that will make the Send Fax window become minimized (on close
or after scheduling) and allow the enabling of the importation of a Microsoft Outlook address book. To
save on disk space, you can select to have print captures deleted after they are scheduled.
The Include Outlook Contacts checkbox will automatically find your Outlook (2000 version and newer)
folder and import the contacts that exist there. If you have Outlook installed to a directory other than
the default, a Browse button is available for determining the correct folder.
The Update Outlook Contacts button will update the entire Outlook contact list in the FF240-IP unit if
you have selected the ‘Include Outlook Contacts’ selection above. This will ensures the two sources are
synchronized in the case of contact deletions, as by default, the FF240-IP will only automatically track
additions and changes. A confirmation pop-up window will ask you if you are sure you want to do this.
The Clear Recent Documents button will delete the list of recently sent faxes. A confirmation pop-up
window will ask you if you are sure you want to do this.
Logging tab:
A Trace Level of 9 is the highest trace setting. A Trace Level of 1 is the lowest (least amount of trace)
Select Save Log on Exit to ensure the Log file exists after the application is closed.
Select Save Log to if you want to create a log file other than the default. You may Browse to an existing
File Folder and type in the name of the custom log file in the edit field.
Click View Log to view the existing log file.
Click Delete Log to erase the current log.
Click Delete All Logs to remove any previously existing Log Files.
Click Restore Defaults to restore the Logging information to factory defaults.
Click View Application Data to start an explorer window to find and view existing log files.
Click OK to save your changes.
Click Cancel to Cancel any changes made.