User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Switching Commands 8-25
Network Configuration Protocol Current Indicates which network protocol is being
used. The options are bootp | dhcp | none.
Java Mode Specifies if the switch should allow access to the Java applet in
the header frame. Enabled means the applet can be viewed. The
factory default is disabled.
Management VLAN ID
Specifies the management VLAN ID.
show remotecon
This command displays telnet settings.
show remotecon
Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Remote Connection Login Timeout (minutes) This object indicates the number of
minutes a remote connection session is allowed to remain inac-
tive before being logged off.A zero means there will be no time-
out. May be specified as a number from 0 to 160. The factory
default is 5.
Maximum Number of Remote Connection Sessions This object indicates the num-
ber of simultaneous remote connection sessions allowed. The fac-
tory default is 5.
Allow New Telnet Sessions Indicates that new telnet sessions will not be allowed when
set to no. The factory default value is yes.
show serial
This command displays serial communication settings for the switch.
show serial
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Serial Port Login Timeout (minutes) Specifies the time, in minutes, of inactivity on a
Serial port connection, after which the Switch will close the con-
nection. Any numeric value between 0 and 160 is allowed, the
factory default is 5. A value of 0 disables the timeout.
Baud Rate The default baud rate at which the serial port will try to connect.
The available values are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,