Paxar 9450 Printer User Manual

This chapter describes the RCL commands in detail, and they appear in alphabetical
order. If two commands have the same letter (for example, ^S and ^s), the
command with the uppercase letter appears first. Following is a summary of each
Command Description
^A Change Communication Parameters
Changes the printer’s baud rate, parity, word length, and flow
^C Clear Error Status
Clears batch errors from memory.
^F Delete Batches
Deletes all batches or only the current batch from the printer.
^L Set Supply Length
Specifies the type of supply in the printer and where data prints
vertically on the label.
Library Management
Adds or deletes graphics, deletes fonts, formats, and fields from
the printer library, or takes inventory of the printer library.
^O Select Printer Operation Mode
Sets the printer to on-demand or continuous dispense mode.
^P Print
Specifies batch data and prints a specified number of labels.
^R Define Field
Defines or deletes a field from the printer library.
Request Printer Status
Returns the printer’s status to the data collection terminal.
^s Sleep Mode
Starts, adjusts, or disables sleep mode.
continued on the next page
* These commands sometimes request a response from the printer. To learn more
about printer responses, see Chapter 4, "Response Reference."
. Command Reference