Paxar 9450 Printer User Manual

Chapter 3. Command Reference
TC9450PM Rev. C 8/11/98 3-19
Define Format (^T)
The Define Format command creates or deletes a format. A format definition stays
in the printer until you erase it with this command.
You can store up to 15 format definitions. The printer discards definitions
overflowing into available space.
The format identifier. Enter any of the following characters: 0-9,
A-Z, a-z, :, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], -, and ‘.
If you want to use the same identifier as a format already in the
printer, delete the format in the printer.
function R Add format
DR Delete format
Use the following parameters only when function is R.
The format width in dots (1-383). A dot is 1/203rd of an inch.
The format length in dots (1-1015).
A list of up to 30 field identifiers used to print this label. These
identifiers are from the identifier field of the ^R command. List
them as they appear from top to bottom on the format. You can
list fields appearing side-by-side in any order. If the fields are not
in order, an error occurs.
This command defines format 1 and stores it in RAM. The dimensions are 380 dots
wide by 380 dots high, with fields 1 through 7.